Writing on software design, music, and what else interests me.

All of my long-form thoughts on programming, music, politics, and more, collected in chronological order.

Artificial Intelligence - What is intelligence?

This talk on artificial intelligence is meant to introduce the listener to artificial intelligence (machine learning and symbolic AI) without making use of mathematics.

Bullshitting LLMs and harmful intent: How to stay in control?

Large Language Models (LLM) werden bereits heute von 100 Millionen Menschen täglich genutzt. Es stellt sich nun die Frage: wie fähig ist diese Technologie, welche bösen Absichten könnten Nutzer leichter mithilfevon ChatGPT umsetzen und kann man LLMs regulieren?

Mechanical Keyboard!

I have been on a long journey to find a good mechanical keyboard. I am not yet fully where I want to be, but I have made interesting findings.

How far away are we from Artificial General Intelligence?

Observing the current hypes around Large Language Models (LLMs), especially OpenAI's GPT-3 and -4, I want examine what the buzz-words refer to and especially what sets humans apart from LLMs.

Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data

This is a project for a module on machine learning. Using different word mapping methods, I tried to predict the sentiment of tweets.

Some singing!

Collection of all recordings I have.